Chapter 1
Patel Motel Dhandho
Asian Indians make up about 1 percent of the population
of the United States-about three million people. Of
these three million, a relatively small subsection is from the
Indian state of Gujarat-the birthplace of Mahatma Gandhi.
And a very small subsection of Gujaratis, the Patels, are
from a tiny area in Southern Gujarat. Less than one in five
hundred Americans is a Patel. It is thus amazing that over
half of all the motels in the entire country are owned and operated
by Patels. What is even more stunning is that there
were virtually no Patels in the United States just 35 years
ago. They started arriving as refugees in the early 1970s
without much in the way of education or capital. Their heavily
accented, broken-English speaking skills didn't improve
their prospects either. From that severely handicapped beginning,
with all the odds stacked against them, the Patels
triumphed. Patels, as a group, today own over $40 billion in
motel assets in the United States, pay over $725 million a
year in taxes, and employ nearly a million people. How did
this small, impoverished ethnic group come out of nowhere
and end up controlling such vast resources? There is a one
word explanation: Dhandho.
2 The Dhandho Investor
Dhandho (pronounced dhun-doe) is a Gujarati word.
Dhan comes from the Sanskrit root word Dhana meaning
wealth. Dhan-dho, literally translated, means "endeavors
that create wealth." The street translation of Dhandho is
simply "business." What is business if not an endeavor to
create wealth?
However, if we examine the low-risk, high-return approach
to business taken by the Patels, Dhandho takes on a
much narrower meaning. We have all been taught that earning
high rates of return requires taking on greater risks.
Dhandho flips this concept around. Dhandho is all about
the minimization of risk while maximizing the reward. The
stereotypical Patel naturally approaches all business endeavors
with this deeply ingrained riskless Dhandho framework-
for him it's like breathing. Dhandho is thus best
described as endeavors that create wealth while taking virtually
no risk.
Not only should every entrepreneur seek to learn from
the Patel Dhandho framework, but also the primary audience
for this tome-investors and allocators of capital.
Dhandho is capital allocation at its very finest. If an investor
can make virtually risk-free bets with outsized rewards,
and keep making the bets over and over, the results are
stunning. Dhandho is how the Patels have exponentially
compounded their net worths over the past 30-odd years.
I'm getting ahead of myself. Sit back, relax, grab a cool
one, andmellowout. You're about to begin a remarkable journey-
one that I hope is as rewarding and profitable for you as
it has been forme and generations of Patel businessmen.
Gujarat lies along the Arabian Sea with a large, desirable
coastline and several natural harbors. The Tropic of Cancer
cuts right through the state. Over the centuries, it has always
been an ideal location for trade with neighboring
Asian and African countries-it has served as a melting pot
of many different cultures over its rich history. The Parsis,
Patel Motel Dhandho 3
fleeing religious persecution in Iran, landed in Gujarat as
refugees in the twelfth century and were warmly received.
Similarly, the Ismailis arrived in the first half of the nineteenth
century from Iran. For several centuries, Gujaratis
were very used to traveling to, and trading with, their Asian
and African neighbors.
Patels originally were known as patidars-loosely translated
as landlords. Most villages in Gujarat had a patidar appointed
by the ruler who was responsible for collecting land
taxes, providing security, and running a streamlined farming
operation. In medieval times, these patidars were chosen
on the basis of their savvy management and farming
skills. Patels usually had large families, and as the land was
subdivided into smaller and smaller fragments for each son,
farming became a tough way to make a buck. In the late
nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, Ismailis and Patels
from Gujarat migrated in significant numbers to countries
like Uganda in East Africa. They went as traders or as
indentured laborers to help build the railroads.
The Patels and the Ismailis have been a very entrepreneurial
community for centuries, and, over the ensuing
decades (with their soon-to-be-revealed Dhandho techniques),
they came to control a large proportion of the businesses
in Uganda. General Idi Amin came to power in
Uganda as a dictator in 1972. He declared that "Africa was
for Africans" and that non-Africans had to leave. Amin
wasn't a big fan of the Patels who controlled most of his
economy. The fact that most of these "non-Africans" like the
Patels and the Ismailis were born in Uganda, had been there
for generations, had no other home, and had all their businesses
and property in Uganda meant nothing to Amin. For
him, it was simple: Africa was for Africans.
Amin revoked the residency permits of all Asians regardless
of whether they had any natural homeland to return
to. The Ugandan state seized all their businesses and
4 The Dhandho Investor
nationalized them-with no compensation to the owners. A
total of 70,000 Gujaratis were thus stripped of virtually all
their assets and thrown out of the country toward the end
of 1972.
The world had several hot spots in 1972 and 1973 that
had a significant impact on the future destiny of these orphaned
Patels. With the recent formation of Bangladesh in
1971 and the war with Pakistan over its independence,
India was already reeling from a very severe refugee crisis.
Millions of impoverished Bangladeshi refugees had poured
into India. As a result, the Indian government refused to
recognize the Indian-origin population being expelled from
Uganda as having any right to enter India.
Amin's Patel expulsion also coincided with the tail end
of the Vietnam War and the United States was dealing
with a large influx of Vietnamese refugees at the time.
President Nixon and Secretary of State Kissinger were
well briefed on the Ugandan situation and were sympathetic
to the plight of the Patels, but were limited in the
number of Indian-origin refugees they could accept. Being
"members of the Commonwealth," the vast majority of the
Patels and Ismailis were allowed to settle in England and
Canada. A few thousand families were also accepted by
the United States as refugees.
The first few Patels who arrived in the United States
went into the motel business. The thousands that arrived
later followed the lead of the pioneers and also became
motel operators. Why motels? And why did virtually all of
them go into the same industry?
If we examine the history of ethnic groups migrating to
alien lands, we notice a pattern: In Chicago, many of the
early Irish immigrants became police officers while most
housemaids were Polish. In New York City, Koreans dominate
the deli and grocery business, Chinese run many of the
Patel Motel Dhandho 5
city's laundries, and Sikhs and Pakistanis drive most of the
cabs. It's a bizarre sight, but most of the rental car staff at
California's San Jose International Airport consists of older
Sikhs-turbans and all. There is a large population of Eastern
European cab drivers in Vegas, and most of the prostitutes
in Dubai are of Eastern European or Russian origin.
The reason we end up with concentrations of ethnic
groups in certain professions is because role models play a
huge role in how humans pick their vocations. If someone
looks like me, has had a similar upbringing, belongs to the
same religious order, has attended a similar school, and is
making a good living, it naturally has a huge impact when
I'm trying to decide my calling in life. Tall inner-city
African-American kids routinely see tall African-American
males playing for the NBA and leading very enviable lives.
They are also aware that the childhood of these NBA stars,
in many cases, is pretty similar to their own present circumstance.
It serves as a huge motivator to sharpen their basketball
playing skills.
That still begs the question: Why did the first wave of
Patels who entered the United States go into the motel business?
Why not delis, Laundromats, or drug stores? Why
motels? And why not just find a job? Part of the answer lies
in another demographic shift that was underway in the
early 1970s in the United States. After World War II, there
was a huge buildout of suburbia and the interstate highway
system. The automobile had become a middle-class staple,
and American family-owned motels popped up all along
the newly built interstates. The 1973 Arab oil embargo and
misguided American economic policies (price and wage
controls) led to a deep recession across the country.
Motels are heavily dependent on discretionary spending.
The recession, coupled with rationed and sky-high
gas prices, led to huge drops in occupancy. Many small,
6 The Dhandho Investor
nondescript motels were foreclosed by banks or went on
sale at distressed prices. At the same time, the kids of these
old motel-owner families were coming of age and saw
plenty of opportunity outside of the motel business and
left in droves to seek their fortune elsewhere.
It is 1973. Papa Patel has been kicked out of Kampala,
Uganda, and has landed as a refugee in Anywheretown,
USA, with his wife and three teenage kids. He has had
about two months to plan his exit and has converted as
much of his assets as he could into gold and other currencies
and has smuggled it out of the country. It isn't much-a
few thousand dollars. With a family to feed, he is quickly
trying to become oriented to his alien surroundings. He figures
out that the best he can do with his strange accent and
broken-English speaking skills will be a job bagging groceries
at minimum wage.
Papa Patel sees this small 20-room motel on sale at what
appears to be a very cheap price and starts thinking. If he
buys it, the motivated seller or a bank will likely finance 80
percent to 90 percent of the purchase price. His family can
live there as well, and their rent will go to zero. His cash requirement
to buy the place is a few thousand dollars. Between
himself and his close relatives, he raises about $5,000
in cash and buys the motel. A neighborhood bank and the
seller agree to carry notes with the collateral being a lien on
the motel. As one of the first Patels in the United States,
Dahyabhai Patel succinctly put it, "It required only a small
investment and it solved my accommodation problem because
[my family and] I could live and work there."1
Papa Patel figures the family can live in a couple of
rooms, so they have no rent or mortgage to pay and minimal
Patel Motel Dhandho 7
need for a car. Even the smallest motel needs a 24-hour front
desk and someone to clean the rooms and do the laundry-
at least four people working eight hours each. Papa Patel
lets all the hired help go. Mama and Papa Patel work long
hours on the various motel chores, and the kids help out
during the evenings, weekends, and holidays. Dahyabhai
Patel, reflecting on the modus operandi during the early
days, said, "I was my own front-desk clerk, my own carpenter,
my own plumber, maid, electrician, washerman, and
what not."2 With no hired help and a very tight rein on expenses,
Papa Patel's motel has the lowest operating cost of
any motel in the vicinity. He can offer the lowest nightly
rate and still maintain the same (or higher) profitability per
room than his predecessor and competitors. As a result, he
has higher occupancy and is making super-normal profits.
His competitors start seeing occupancy drop off and experience
severe pressure on rates. Their cost structures prohibit
them from matching the rates offered by the Patel Motel-
leading to a spiraling reduction in occupancy and profits.
The stereotypical Patel is a vegetarian and leads a very
simple life. Most restaurants in the United States in the
1970s don't serve vegetarian meals, so eating at home is all
the more attractive-and much cheaper for Patel families.
They are busy with the motel day and night, so they have
little time for recreational activities. As a result, the total
living expenses for this family are abysmally low. With a
single beater car, no home mortgage, rent, or utilities, and
zero commute, eating out, or spending on vacations or entertainment
of any type, Papa Patel's family lives quite comfortably
on well under $5,000 per year.
Prices are far lower in the 1970s-the minimum wage is
just $1.60. The best Papa and Mama Patel could hope for is
total annual earnings of about $6,000 per year if they both
take up jobs and work full-time. If they buy a 20-room motel
8 The Dhandho Investor
at a distressed price of $50,000 with about $5,000 in cash and
the rest financed, even at rates of $12 to $13 per day and 50
percent to 60 percent average occupancy, the motel will generate
about $50,000 in annual revenue.
In the early 1970s, with treasuries yielding about 5 percent,
an owner or most banks will be delighted to finance
the motel purchase at a 10 percent to 12 percent interest rate
with a lien on the property. Mr. Patel has annual interest expenses
of about $5,000, principal payments of $5,000, and
another $5,000 to $10,000 in out-of-pocket expenses for
motel supplies, maintenance, and utilities. Total expenses
are thus under $20,000. Even if the family spends another
$5,000 a year for living expenses (a grand sum in 1970), Papa
Patel nets over $15,000 a year after all taxes and all living expenses.
If he had borrowed the $5,000 from a fellow Patel, he
has it fully repaid in four months. He could even elect to
pay off the mortgage on the motel in just three years.
The annual return on that $5,000 of invested capital is a
stunning 400 percent ($20,000 in annual returns from the
investment-$15,000 in cash flow and $5,000 in principal repayment).
If he borrows the $5,000 from a fellow Patel, the
return on invested capital is infinite: zero dollars in and
$20,000 a year out. That's all fine and dandy you might say,
but what if the business does not work out? What if it fails?
For this first motel purchase, Papa Patel not only has to
give a lien on the property, but most likely also a personal
guarantee to the lender as well. However, Papa Patel has
only $5,000 (or less) to his name, so the personal guarantee
is meaningless. If he is unable to make the payments, the
bank can take over the property, but he has virtually no assets
outside of the motel. The bank has no interest in taking
over the motel and running it-it has no such competency.
It will be very hard for the bank to sell a money-losing motel
and cover their note.
Patel Motel Dhandho 9
It is very simple: If a Patel cannot make the motel run
profitably, no one can. The bank's best option is to work
with Papa Patel to make the motel profitable, so the bank is
likely to renegotiate terms and try to help Papa Patel get
back on track. They might defer principal and interest payments
for a few months until conditions improve. And they
might raise the interest rate to offset the pain they are enduring.
It is net, net: Papa Patel still runs the motel; the family
still lives there; and he works as hard and as smart as he
can to make it-he has no choice. It's make it work or go
bust and homeless.
Remember, this is an existing business with a very stable
business model and a long history of cash flow and profitability.
It is not rocket science. It is a simple business
where the low-cost provider has an unassailable competitive
advantage, and no one can run it any cheaper than Papa
Patel. The motel business ebbs and flows with the economy.
Eventually, conditions are likely to become better, the bank
is made current on payments, and everyone is happy-most
of all Papa Patel.
Let's look at this investment as a bet. There are three
possible outcomes.
First, the $5,000 investment yields an annualized rate of
return of 400 percent. Let's assume this continues for just 10
years and the business is sold for the same price as it was
bought ($50,000). This is like a bond that pays 300 percent
interest a year with a final interest payment in year 10 of
900 percent. This equates to a 21 bagger-an annualized return
of well over 50 percent for 10 years. Assuming a 10 percent
discount rate, the discounted cash flow (DCF) stream
is shown in Table 1.1.
Second, the economy goes into a severe recession and
business plummets for several years. The bank works with
Mr. Patel and renegotiates loan terms as described earlier.
10 The Dhandho Investor
Mr. Patel has a zero return on his investment for five years
and then starts making $10,000 a year in excess free cash
flow when the economy recovers and booms (200 percent return
every year after five years). The motel is sold in year 10
for the purchase price. Now we have a bond that pays zero
interest for five years, then 200 percent for five years, and a
final interest payment of 900 percent (see Table 1.2). This
equates to a seven bagger-an annualized return of over 40
percent for 10 years.
Third, the economy goes into a severe recession and
business plummets. Mr. Patel cannot make the payments
and the bank forecloses and Mr. Patel loses his investment.
The annualized return is 100 percent.
These three outcomes cover virtually the entire range of
possibilities. Assume the likelihood of the first option is 80
percent, the second is 10 percent, and the third is 10 percent.
These are very conservative probabilities as we are assum-
Table 1.1 Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) Analysis of the Best Case for
Papa Patel
Present Value ($MM) of
Year Free Cash Flow ($) Future Cash Flow
Excess cash 0
1 15,000 13,636
2 15,000 12,397
3 15,000 11,270
4 15,000 10,245
5 15,000 9,314
6 15,000 8,467
7 15,000 7,697
8 15,000 6,998
9 15,000 6,361
10 15,000 5,783
10 Sale price 50,000 19,277
Total 111,445
Patel Motel Dhandho 11
ing a one in five chance of the motel performing far worse
than projected-even though it was bought on the cheap at
a distressed sale price and run by a best-of-breed, savvy,
low-cost operator. We have unrealistically assumed there is
no rise in the motel's value or in nightly rates over 10 years.
Even then, the probability-weighted annualized return is
still well over 40 percent. The expected present value of this
investment is about $93,400 (0.8 × $111,445 + 0.1 × $42,812).
From Papa Patel's perspective, there is a 10 percent chance
of losing his $5,000 and a 90 percent chance of ending up
with over $100,000 (with an 80 percent chance of ending up
with $200,000 over 10 years). This sounds like a no-brainer
bet to me.
If you went to a horse race track and you were offered 90
percent odds of a 20 times return and a 10 percent chance of
losing your money, would you take that bet? Heck Yes! You'd
make that bet all day long, and it would make sense to bet a
Table 1.2 Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) Analysis of the Below-Average
Case for Papa Patel
Present Value ($MM) of
Year Free Cash Flow ($) Future Cash Flow
Excess cash 0
1 0 0
2 0 0
3 0 0
4 0 0
5 0 0
6 15,000 5,645
7 15,000 5,131
8 15,000 4,665
9 15,000 4,240
10 15,000 3,854
10 Sale price 50,000 19,277
Total 42,812
12 The Dhandho Investor
very large portion of your net worth with those spectacular
odds. This is not a risk-free bet, but it is a very low-risk,
high-return bet. Heads, I win; tails, I don't lose much!
The skeptic in you remains unconvinced that the risk
here is low. You might say that there is still the very real
possibility of going broke if you bet all you have (like Papa
Patel has done).
Papa Patel does bet it all on one bet, but he has an ace in
the hole. If the lender forecloses and he loses the motel, he
and his wife can take up jobs bagging groceries, work 60
hours a week instead of 40, and maximize their savings. At
the 1973 minimum wage of $1.60, they earn $9,600 a year.
After taxes, they can easily sock away $2,000 to $4,000 a
year. After two years, Papa Patel could step up to the plate
and buy another motel and make another bet.
The odds of losing this bet twice in a row are 1 in 100.
And the odds that it pays off at least once are roughly 99
percent. When it does pay off, it's over a 20-fold return.
That's an ultra low-risk bet with ultra-high returns-
one very much worth making: Heads, I win; tails, I don't
lose much!
With such high cash flow coming in, Papa Patel is soon
flush with cash. He still has a very modest lifestyle. His eldest
son comes of age in a few years and he hands over the
motel to him. The family buys a modest house and goes
hunting for the next motel to buy.
This time, they buy a larger motel with 50 rooms. The
family no longer lives at the motel, but still does most of the
work with little in the way of hired help. The formula is
simple: fixate on keeping costs as low as possible, charge
lower rates than all competitors, drive up the occupancy,
and maximize the free cash flow. Finally, keep handing
over motels to up-and-coming Patel relatives to run while
adding more and more properties.
There is a snowball effect here and, over time, we end
up with these amazing statistics-half of all motels in the
United States are under Patel ownership. Having fully
cornered the motel market, the Patels have begun buying
higher-end hotels and have delved into a number of
businesses where they can apply their lowest-cost operator
model for unassailable competitive advantage-gas
stations, Dunkin' Donuts franchises, convenience stores
(7-Elevens), and the like. Some have even branched out into
developing high-end time-share condominiums. The snowball
continues to roll down this very long hill-becoming
bigger over time.
Patel Motel Dhandho 13
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